Relief Work


Relief seems to be wrapped up in the name of Chunchura Arogya. Arogya started with the determination to stand by people. From the Sundarbans at one end of West Bengal to Purulia at the other end, everywhere, whenever there is a need, Chunchura Arogya stands by the side of people. Starting from the places affected by the terrible cyclone to the inaccessible areas hit by floods, Chunchura Arogya rushed to all the places first. Relief means chanchura arogya means not only khichuri and old clothes, relief means chanchura arogya immediate overall relief along with emotional relief. Every year before Durga Puja, they go to different places and hand over new clothes to the financially backward families under the cover of 'Utsab Anand Dan'. It is not known how much those people benefit in return, but Chunchura Arogya is happy. Apart from this, some other organizations including Vivekananda Orphan Ashram try to give a taste of home at least for a while through various programs throughout the year